Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane . . .

Brent and I leave Wednesday evening. Whoo hoo! We arrive in NYC on Thursday morning for a day of adventure. Friday and Saturday are the National Convention at the Waldorf-Astoria. I'm done with my speech, it is mostly memorized, I got my gray hair colored to look brown again . . . I'm all set! My fabulous mother-in-law, Laura, is taking me for a massage and pedicure tomorrow for a very fun send off. (And she is watching the children for me while we are gone. Like I said, she's fabulous!)

I've been giving my speech to random people. I figure that if I can give my speech "out of my comfort zone" a couple of times each day (i.e. at the library 10 year celebration, at the bank, to my ballet class parents, in line at the grocery store . . . you get the idea) then when I give my speech in New York, I'll be so used to being outside of my comfort zone it will feel (almost) like my comfort zone. I'm not sure if it is working, but it's my plan! Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck Shauna! I am sure you will do great!!! Have tons of fun and try to relax.

  2. We are with you all the way and praying for you to feel great about your experience!

  3. Best of luck Shauna! Just remember, no matter what the results are, to your friends you are the national young mother of the year!
