Thursday, April 8, 2010

Portfolio: Question 7

7. In what ways do you and your husband seek to enrich your relationship?

I pledge to foster personal responsibility and respect in my home and community.

Before we were married, my husband Brent came to Texas to meet my parents and officially ask for my hand. Then he, my sister, and I drove back to school in Utah. I gave the wrong directions and promptly fell asleep. Three hours later when I woke up and realized what I had done, he didn’t even bat an eye. “It happens!” he said. I knew then that I was getting a really good deal.

It is easy to be married to such a kind, supportive man. He always opens the door for me. He makes sure I get a Sunday nap. He is careful to be kind to me, typically more careful than I am to return such kindness. I try, when I catch myself calling out to him in a harsh tone, to “change it to a compliment” and say something nice. He knows when I’m doing this and just grins at me.

To enrich our relationship, we have a weekly date night, we stay up late in the middle of the week talking together, and we read good books together. (We used to read aloud together, but I just kept reading ahead, so now we just get two copies of the book and read alongside each other.) We play on a co-ed soccer team, we hug and kiss in front of our children, and we slow dance in the kitchen.

Twice yearly, we go on a SPICESS (Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Creative, Emotional, Social and Skills) retreat. We spend the day together talking about our individual status in these areas, as well as each of our children’s progress, and how our family is doing in general. We set goals in these areas and talk of how we can help our children. We also go to a “spicy” restaurant for dinner.

Our wedding anniversary is March 18, and we celebrate the 18th of every month as “Sweetheart Day.” Some months, we drop into bed at the end of the day and barely remember to say “Happy Sweetheart Day.” Other months we have a special, “extra” date to celebrate our day. We often enjoy a visit to our local temple to celebrate Sweetheart Day.

Brent is a great blessing in my life.

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