Sunday, May 9, 2010

Deseret News Article Online Pictures

There are more pictures on the Deseret News site . . . take a look at to see the article and more of Kristen's "slice of life" pictures! 

Playing Pirate's Cove and wrangling children. 
Negotiating with Coco about practicing . . . she really poured it on for the camera!

Aerie practicing during breaks in the Pirate's Cove game. 
Reading "Big Chickens" by Leslie Helakoski. Sallie actually "read" (quoted) about half of the book to me. She used my same inflections. I had to fight laughing out loud. (Sallie gets quite upset if I giggle when she reads, so I have to try really hard to keep a semi-straight face!)

1 comment:

  1. Shauna--I enjoyed your Ensign article, and then came across your blog after seeing the DN article and realizing we had some mutual (Waterford) connections. I am so impressed by how *well-DUNN* everything is in your family! Keep up the good work.
    Anita Wells
